Together for a better tomorrow.
Working with our neighbors to create a better Red Bank today and for generations to come.
Howdy! I’m Stefanie Dalton. I’m a mom to a Hamilton County public school student, wife, social worker, advocate, and Red Bank neighbor. I’ve been honored to be your Vice Mayor for the past four years, and it would be the greatest privilege to continue serving you and our community as we grow, face ever-changing needs, and work to build a long-term plan for our city. Since 2020, we have made tremendous strides in governmental transparency, community engagement, infrastructure improvements, staff investment, successful grant applications, accessibility, parks and recreation programming, and long-term planning initiatives. I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished together in a few short years, but this is just the beginning! I hope I can count on your vote as we work to create a better Red Bank for today and tomorrow.

Began live-streaming and recording City Commission meetings in January 2021
Created the City's first online portal to pay for permits, report possible code violations, and make service requests
Received a TDOT grant for what will be the City’s first-ever bike infrastructure
These are just a few of the things we've accomplished since I was elected to the Red Bank Commission.
"A community is a group of people who agree to grow together." [Simon Sinek]
When I moved to Red Bank in 2010, I knew no one. Nearly 15 years later, my family and I can hardly go anywhere without running into a neighbor. A smiling face at the grocery store, a friendly wave at the park, a "hello" and "how are things?" as we walk down our street. We don't always have the same ideas or opinions but that's okay. Because we all love Red Bank and believe in its future, and if getting there means growing together and taking care of each other along the way, I think we're on the right track.

Expand opportunities for engagement and involvement through additional family events, holiday gatherings, Citizen Advisory Boards, volunteer days, community surveys, public meetings, and continued “Porch Talks” with Stefanie
Continue improving safety on roads and at intersections, adding sidewalks and crosswalks, making ADA upgrades, and improving bikeability, walkability, and connectivity throughout the city
Build relationships with and promote small local businesses, including retail, restaurants, entrepreneurs, makers, artists, musicians, and farmers through our new Community Development Department
Establish the City’s first-ever long-term Capital Improvement Plan to address decades of deferred infrastructure and maintenance needs in a fiscally responsible manner, including stormwater, road repaving, technology, facility renovations, crosswalks, sidewalks, intersection improvements, sewer needs, park amenities, and more
Continue working towards restoring Stringers Branch and ultimately having it removed from the State’s contaminated waters list, adding native plants to more public spaces, expanding recreation opportunities for all ages, conserving natural spaces, and improving our parks for the well-being of all of our neighbors
Election Day
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Voter Registration Deadline
Monday, October 7, 2024
Early Voting
Wednesday, October 16 - Thursday, October 31, 2024
Absentee Ballot Request Deadline
Tuesday, October 29, 2024